This Holiday Season, Let’s Protect Ourselves and Each Other

Council CEO Lucas Nesse stresses the importance of preventing COVID-19 this holiday season. This means protecting your friends and loved ones, protecting your community and protecting yourself. The holidays are known as a time to come together, but we need to think differently this year.

Pre-Existing Conditions: A Refresher Course

A pre-existing condition is any health condition you have before your insurance coverage starts. The ACA offers protections for Americans living with these conditions. In light of this, it’s important to remember what pre-existing conditions are, including how the ACA changed how insurance companies treat them.

Honoring World Mental Health Day

The Council is sharing the mental health work being done by Minnesota’s nonprofit health plans. Our plan members care deeply about the health, safety and wellness of Minnesotans and in recent months, they’ve ramped up efforts even more to meet Minnesotans’ mental health needs.

What to Do If You Lose Job-based Health Insurance Coverage

It is important to know your options if you lose your employer-sponsored health insurance due to a job loss. Depending on your health, age and financial situation, you may qualify for low or no-cost health insurance coverage or for subsidies that will help lower what you pay for coverage if you are buying insurance on your own.

Is This the Most Important Flu Shot Ever?

As flu season approaches, talk to your doctor about how and when to receive this year’s influenza vaccine. This year more than any other, the flu shot is essential to keep you, your children, your neighbors and our entire health care system healthy. Learn the basics about the flu and the vaccine that can offer you protection.

Protect Your Family and Yourself – Get Your Flu Shot

Minnesota’s hospitals, health systems, clinics and health plans are taking extra steps this year to make getting the flu shot safer and easier during the pandemic. Learn more about these efforts in this article from the Minnesota Council of Health Plans and Minnesota Hospital Association.

What You Need to Know About Measles and the MMR Vaccine

Measles is a infectious disease that we all need to take seriously, particularly as we commence back-to-school season, begin fall sports and start to do more activities indoors due to weather. Here’s a little “Measles 101,” including information on why it’s important — and safe — to be vaccinated against it.

Why the Measles Vaccine Is More Vital Than Ever

Minnesota’s hospitals, health systems, clinics and health plans are taking measures to ensure that vaccinations are easier amid the pandemic. Learn about the importance of measles vaccinations in this article from the Minnesota Council of Health Plans and Minnesota Hospital Association.

Let’s Do Our Part to Take Care of Our Health During the Pandemic

While we continue to do everything we can to minimize the spread of COVID-19, including social distancing, hand washing and wearing masks in public, we must also get the care that protects and improves our health, according to the Chief Medical Officers of Minnesota’s nonprofit health plans.