New managed care contracts covering 1.3M Minnesotans include supports to improve well-being

The State of Minnesota recently announced new managed care contracts serving 600,000 Minnesotans in 80 outstate counties, along with older adults and adults with disabilities statewide. The seven-county metro area contracts, covering 700,000 Minnesotans, were finalized late last year.

Minnesota’s public health care programs, including prepaid Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare, serve low-income families and children. Seniors who need extra help beyond Medicare are covered through Minnesota Senior Health Options and Minnesota Senior Care Plus. People with disabilities can choose to be covered by the Special Needs BasicCare program. Health plans also submitted details demonstrating how they are working to improve health equity and eliminate disparities.

The announcement, from the Department of Human Services (DHS), follows a robust two-and-a-half-year competitive procurement process. Every member of the Minnesota Council of Health Plans received a contract to continue providing reliable and high-quality care around the state for the 1.3 million Minnesotans enrolled in Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare.

Minnesota’s nonprofit health plans are nationally recognized for their efforts to improve the well-being of Minnesotans by identifying gaps in care, assisting with making appointments, coordinating rides, providing resources for managing chronic disease, and connecting members with community-based services. Our health plans even help communities tackle social issues that have a critical impact on a person’s health, like access to healthy food or stable housing. In many cases, our members are partnered with a dedicated care coordinator to ensure their care is timely, effective, and convenient.

These services can help reduce hospitalizations, trips to the emergency department and other high-cost care. Coordinators help members stay connected to their clinics and social service providers, which helps them manage their complex medical conditions. If you’d like to learn more about the important work of Minnesota’s nonprofit health plans, our website contains FAQs and background information on numerous topics, including managed care and the value of care coordination. Find out how Minnesota’s nonprofit health plans are working to support Minnesotans with access to the affordable, equitable and quality-based care they need today and in the future.