This fall, three vaccines are available to help Minnesotans protect themselves and their loved ones from serious illness
Along with the seasonal flu shot, new COVID and RSV vaccines are now available
You may be used to hearing ‘Don’t forget your flu shot’ this time of year but now there are two new vaccinations that should be considered. This is the first fall and winter virus season where vaccines are available for two other major respiratory viruses –COVID-19 and RSV.
Updated COVID vaccine
A new, updated COVID-19 vaccine has been approved by the FDA and—just like the influenza vaccine—is recommended for adults and children as young as six months.
Who should get the new COVID vaccine?
Even if you’ve never received a COVID-19 vaccine, adults and children as young as age five are eligible to receive the new, updated vaccine. Children six months to age four who have never received the vaccine are eligible to receive a series of three doses of the updated Pfizer vaccine or a two-dose series of the new Moderna vaccine.
Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is still the most effective way to prevent serious illness, hospitalization, and death from the virus. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) says it is important to make sure you are up to date on any COVID-19 vaccine doses you are recommended to get to have the best protection against COVID-19.
Will you have to pay for the new COVID vaccine?
Even though the COVID Public Health Emergency has ended, people with private or public insurance coverage should know that COVID vaccines and boosters will continue to be covered with no cost-sharing as a preventive services benefit, with plans covering 100% of the cost when received at a network provider, like any other vaccine.
“Previously special rules applied for COVID-19 vaccines, but they are now treated like any other vaccine,” said Lucas Nesse, president and CEO of the Minnesota Council of Health Plans. “This means it’s important to stay within your plan’s network.”
You can find out where to get the vaccine at no cost to you by calling the number on the back of your insurance card.
But what if you don’t have insurance?
A new federal program will be offered this fall for uninsured people to ensure they have access to the COVID-19 vaccine at no cost to them. You can get no-cost COVID-19 vaccines at healthcare providers, federally supported health centers, and retail pharmacy chains participating in the Bridge Access Program. Visit to find providers that offer no-cost COVID-19 vaccines through the Bridge Access Program.
MDH is also working with local communities to provide free updated COVID vaccines. To locate a community vaccination event near you, call the MDH COVID-19 public hotline at 1-833-431-2053 Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Tuesday, Thursday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
New RSV vaccines
Finally, in addition to the influenza and COVID-19 vaccines, a new vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is also available this fall. The RSV vaccine is available in some locations in the U.S. and availability is expected to increase in the coming weeks. It is recommended for pregnant women and adults age 60 and older. Contact your provider to learn more.
Medicaid Unwinding: Resources to Keep Minnesotans Covered
375,000 Minnesotans are at risk of losing health coverage as eligibility reviews return for the state’s public programs, Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare
Last month, Minnesota officially began the process of “unwinding” the COVID-19 pandemic-era policy that paused eligibility reviews for those on the state’s public health care programs, Medical Assistance (Minnesota’s Medicaid program) and MinnesotaCare.
These programs are critically important and currently provide health care coverage for 1 in 4 or 1.5 million Minnesotans. State programs cover 4 in 10 children, 4 in 10 births, 1 in 3 people with disabilities, approximately half of nursing home costs and about half of substance-use-disorder treatment. They also cover a disproportionate number of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color in the state, highlighting potential health equity impacts for changes in these programs.
As eligibility reviews resume for the state’s public programs, Council members are working diligently to help Minnesotans maintain their coverage or successfully transition to new coverage.
The stakes are high. An estimated 375,000 Minnesotans could potentially move off public coverage during this process. Health care coverage provides many benefits, including helping pay the high costs of medical care and medications, coordinating services, connecting people to social supports and helping people access preventive care. Disruptions in coverage can have a serious negative impact and worsen health outcomes as well as create financial burdens and barriers to accessing timely and needed care. Early data from 20 states that have already resumed renewals show that over a million enrollees have lost coverage during this process between April 1 and June 12. There are wide variations between states in both renewal rates and the share of procedural disenrollments – where people lose coverage because they did not complete the enrollment process but may still be eligible for Medicaid.
These numbers highlight the challenges to make sure Minnesotans most at risk for losing coverage have access to necessary information and resources to maintain coverage during this process. With estimates that nearly half of those losing coverage will likely be due to procedural issues, like incomplete or missing paperwork, public awareness is a serious concern. Data from a recent survey found that nearly two-thirds of Medicaid enrollees were not aware that states are now permitted to resume disenrolling people from Medicaid programs, underscoring the need to increase outreach on this topic and help people learn how to successfully renew their coverage or transition quickly and seamlessly to other coverage.
Confronting the state’s unique challenges to keep Minnesotans covered
In Minnesota, renewals must be completed on paper and all renewal forms and important information will be sent via the mail. Because DHS had not collected eligibility information since the beginning of the COVID-19 public health emergency, many people are at risk of procedural disenrollment if their contact information is no longer correct.
Nearly half of Medicaid enrollees have not been through the renewal process before and certain populations are especially at risk of losing coverage – particularly children, people without stable housing, non-native English speakers, people living in high social vulnerability index (SVI) neighborhoods, and people with complex conditions. Due to the disproportionate share of BIPOC Minnesotans on the state’s public health care programs, a higher burden of coverage loss will also fall on these communities.
National studies show that 30% of people don’t know where they’ll find other coverage if they are no longer eligible. And an analysis of the impact of the expiration of the public health emergency estimates the uninsurance rate in Minnesota – which is now at a historic low of 4% – could increase significantly.
Support from the state’s nonprofit health plans for Minnesotans during the Medicaid Unwinding period
Council members have been working closely with many partners to raise awareness and share resources and best practices to ensure no one faces an avoidable gap in coverage. For example:
- Health plans are using care coordinators and other staff to assist members with questions and help complete their renewals
- Health plans are using data from DHS on renewal dates or coverage changes to reach out and help their members maintain their coverage
- Health plans are participating in the DHS Equity Partnership to ensure no Minnesotans fall through the cracks
The Council developed the following resources (also available on the Medicaid Unwinding Resource Page) for various stakeholders to raise awareness and support Minnesotans in maintaining health care coverage:
- Fact Sheet with Enrollee Resources to Prevent a Gap in Coverage, with key steps:
- Update your contact information with your county, tribe, or health plan.
- Watch for the circle in blue when it’s time to renew. Important information will come in the mail in an envelope like this:
- Information on how to complete a renewal is available at
- Fact Sheet with Employer Resources to Support Employees Transitioning to ESI
- “Have an Employee Who’s Losing Medicaid Coverage?” Fact Sheet (English)
- “Have an Employee Who’s Losing Medicaid Coverage?” Fact Sheet (Spanish)
Health Care Providers-
- Fact Sheet with Provider Resources to Help Patients Prevent a Gap in Coverage
Community Partners-
- Fact Sheet with Community Resources to Keep Minnesotans Covered
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the state’s nonprofit health plans played a leading role in safeguarding the health of Minnesotans providing over $2.6 billion in COVID-related medical costs, keeping people connected to care, and taking a nimble and innovative approach to support members throughout the state during a time of great need. As the nation and state move on to this next chapter of pandemic recovery, it is important to understand the significant implications of the Medicaid unwinding process and how we can all work together to make sure that Minnesotans stay covered and continue to have access to affordable and timely care.
Working to solve racial disparities in Minnesota’s birth outcomes and experiences by keeping a spotlight on the issue
No other developed nation has a higher maternal mortality rate than the U.S. and the rate today is higher than it was 25 years ago. A look behind these overall numbers shows even worse outcomes for Black families: Black women are about three times more likely to die of pregnancy related complications than white women and Black infants are more than twice as likely to die as white infants.
The mission to improve maternal and birth outcomes in the U.S., especially for Black families, grows more urgent each year. As we recognize Black Maternal Health Week April 11-17, it’s important to keep a spotlight on these issues to find opportunities to address and resolve racial disparities in birth outcomes and birth experiences.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Maternal Mortality Review Committee at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recently released a report on maternal mortality documenting significant disparities in maternal mortality; Black Minnesotans, who comprise 13% of the birthing population, accounted for 23% of maternal deaths during the study period. The report made several recommendations to address disparities in maternal health and prevent maternal deaths, including:
- Expanding access to care,
- Improving support for those with substance use disorders (SUD) or mental health conditions,
- Acknowledging historical trauma and racism and addressing bias, and
- Providing support for more community support and culturally informed care.
Dr. Rachel Hardeman, co-chairs the committee that conducted the analysis for the report and also leads the Center for Antiracism Research for Health Equity at the University of Minnesota and has called for Minnesota to lead the way in implementing change in communities to improve outcomes.
The Minnesota Council of Health Plans and our member plans are working together to tackle these disparities in a variety of ways, including through advocating for systems change at the legislature, helping grow the workforce, centering patients to improve the birthing experience, developing educational initiatives, and partnering with communities.
The Council and member plans are also working collaboratively through the Healthy Start Performance Improvement Project, which began in the spring of 2021.
The project focuses on ensuring a “healthy start” for Minnesota children by concentrating on improving services provided to pregnant women and infants, with a particular focus on reducing racial and ethnic disparities. Interventions will include working with a wide variety of partners to improve access and coordination of resources to help mothers and children get the right care at the right time in the right setting.
In addition to our collaborative work, member plans are leading a variety of efforts to improve outcomes. See just some of the recent examples of this innovative work below.
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota – Growing the doula workforce and increasing number of diverse doulas by hosting free, 4-day doula training in partnership with Everyday Miracles.
- HealthPartners – Educating patients and providers about the availability and importance of doula care to increase uptake of doula services and better understanding of how doulas work with medical care teams.
- Hennepin Health – Supporting healthy pregnancies, culturally congruent prenatal and postpartum care, and positive birth and well-child outcomes with a focus on community partnerships
- Medica – Supporting the “doula dads” program to support families through the birthing process.
- Sanford – Improving the birthing experience and centering patient wishes through the use of birth navigators, doulas and midwives in the hospital.
- UCare – Advocating for systems change to reduce structural barriers for building the doula workforce; especially for Black doulas.
Keeping Minnesotans Covered as Renewals Return for Medicaid and MinnesotaCare
With the March 31 sunset of the federal continuous coverage mandate, 1.5M Minnesotans will need to go through an eligibility review to maintain coverage in the state’s public programs
During the federal public health emergency, special rules meant Minnesotans covered by state programs, Medical Assistance (Minnesota’s Medicaid program) and MinnesotaCare, didn’t need to submit eligibility on a yearly basis. This was a good thing throughout the pandemic because it kept people connected to needed care. It also led to a record number of enrollees – Minnesota Health Care Programs reached an all-time high enrollment of over 1.5 million people, a nearly 30% increase. Now, recent federal actions will require states to begin unwinding some of those temporary policies starting next month. The state will have a one-year timeframe to review the eligibility of each of those Minnesotans enrolled in state programs—a process called ‘Redetermination’. Restarting renewals for the record number of enrollees in Minnesota’s Health Care Programs after a three-year hiatus will be an unprecedented amount of work for the state, counties and tribes who process the renewals, as well as for the health plans who support these enrollees to maintain coverage.
Recent media coverage, “One of four Minnesotans will have to requalify for Medicaid this year” and “A Daunting Challenge for Health Care” framed up the task ahead of us. While the state will undergo a gradual return to program operations that were in place prior to the pandemic, resuming normal operations will be far from simple. State estimates indicate as many as 15-25% of enrollees could move off state programs during this process. While some of those may no longer meet eligibility criteria, nearly half will lose coverage for procedural reasons, like incomplete or missing paperwork. Gaps in coverage lead to gaps in care and it will be critical to ensure Minnesotans have the support they need to keep their coverage or transition to new coverage.
Partnering to Support Minnesotans
To support Minnesotans during this process, a public-private partnership among state, tribal, county and health plan leaders has been underway for nearly two years with the shared goal of keeping people connected to health insurance coverage.
This partnership is implementing innovative approaches to support a smooth transition, including using new methods to contact enrollees, working with community media partners to raise awareness, and building on the relationship between enrollees and their health plans to provide timely information on what to expect. We are also advocating at the Capitol to expedite important legislation to support the unwinding work. The Legislature is considering several key proposals which would make a difference: Establishing continuous coverage for children to help reduce churn and ensure children have consistent access to health care; funding to expand Navigator organizations to increase the amount of help available to Minnesotans for eligibility and enrollment support; upgrading IT systems to improve the enrollee experience and facilitate processing. Finally, for those no longer eligible, Minnesotans shopping for coverage in the individual market will benefit from enhanced federal premium subsidies and last year’s bipartisan legislation that continued the state’s reinsurance program and reduces premiums an average of 20%.
Inequities will persist during the renewal period unless we take action
We also know that not all Minnesotans will be impacted the same during the unwinding period. Black, Indigenous and communities of color are overrepresented in Medical Assistance and the numbers are even greater for children. For example, while 4 in 10 children in Minnesota are on Medicaid, 64% of Black Minnesotan children are covered by state health care programs. That is why, together with the state, counties, tribal agencies and community partners, we are adopting a dedicated equity strategy to make sure Minnesotans most at risk for losing coverage have access to the necessary information and resources to maintain coverage. One specific tactic was developed as part of Minnesota’s COVID-19 vaccine equity strategy, prioritizing outreach to members living in areas with the most barriers to renewing their coverage. By applying the Center for Disease and Control’s (CDC) Social Vulnerability Index (SVI), which takes into account things like housing, transportation, income, race and ethnicity, language and other social factors to identify ZIP codes for those most at risk, we can look at which communities should be targeted for extra support and pair them with the right resources to keep them covered. This support will include partnering with local media outlets, community leaders and other cultural institutions to disseminate information; providing translated materials in multiple languages and accessible formats; following up with those who don’t have a regular address; and making sure Minnesotans get all their questions answered.
What you can do right now
We know that many Minnesotans experienced big changes during the COVID-19 pandemic like moving to a new address, getting married, growing their families, or getting a new job. There are many changes that could impact a person’s eligibility, however, the most critical piece of information that Medical Assistance enrollees can provide to their county is updated contact information, and m
ost importantly, their current address. Over the coming months, the state and counties will be sending important information the mailing addresses of enrollees. To make sure you receive these messages, go to to learn more and to find the contact information for your county. To learn more about the upcoming redetermination period and find key dates, visit

For more information on this issue and to learn more about how the Council and member plans are working to support Minnesotans during this process, check out our Fact Sheet.