Key takeaways from the 2024 Legislative Session: Growing affordability concerns for Minnesotans

As we move beyond the 2024 legislative session, policymakers must now turn their attention to health care affordability issues. This should include revisiting restrictions on health plans’ price tools and ensuring cost defrayals are provided for benefit mandates.

Nesse named president, CEO

Lucas Nesse has been named president and chief executive officer of the Council. He comes to the Council from the Minnesota Business Partnership.

July 1: State begins changes for Medicaid, MinnesotaCare prescription drug lists

More than 55,200 people who get care through Prepaid Medical Assistance Program and MinnesotaCare may have to change medications the next time they need a refill.

Promoting awareness of mental health

The Center for Community Health—a health improvement initiative involving members from local public health agencies, health insurers, hospitals and health systems—works on activities to improve mental health awareness and understanding across the Twin Cities. On its website, CCH offers background and facts, resources such as mental health first aid training and Make it Ok, a […]

Council releases 2018 industry financial results

The most important thing for Minnesotans to know is that when medical bills aren’t as high as a company expected, the people enrolled get rebates. This part of the law ensures the money people pay for premiums goes for care,” said Patsy Riley, interim president of the Minnesota Council of Health Plans.

Council names industry veteran Patsy Riley as interim leader; search begins for new CEO

St. Paul, Minn.—Minnesota Council of Health Plans announced today that Patsy Riley will serve as the organization’s interim president and chief executive officer. Riley steps in for Jim Schowalter, who is leaving the Council at the end of the month after four years as its leader. “We’re excited to bring on board a respected industry […]