MN Council of Health Plans Names New Board Chair

UCare president and CEO named chair of the Minnesota Council of Health Plans

Hilary Marden-Resnik



ST. PAUL, Minn. (August 26, 2024) – The Minnesota Council of Health Plans has elected Hilary Marden-
Resnik chair of the association’s board of directors for a one-year term.
Marden-Resnik is president and CEO of UCare, an independent, nonprofit health plan serving 600,000
members in Minnesota and western Wisconsin. She’s held the position since 2021. Marden-Resnik
assumes the new Council role from Dana Erickson, president and CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Minnesota (Blue Cross).

The Council works to foster collaboration among its nonprofit health
plan members to support Minnesotans with broad access to high-
quality care. Collectively, Council plans cover more than 4.6 million
Minnesotans. The Council works with a variety of stakeholders to
promote policies and processes that make health care more effective
for everyone.
“I’m honored to be elected board chair for the Minnesota Council of
Health Plans,” said Marden-Resnik. “Collaboration is a cornerstone of
Minnesota health care, and the Council enables the state’s nonprofit
plans to shape policies and practices ensuring care is accessible,
affordable and effective for all Minnesotans.”
Marden-Resnik also serves as a board member for the Alliance of
Community Health Plans and the Minneapolis Workforce Development Board and is a member of the
Minnesota Women’s Economic Roundtable.
The Minnesota Council of Health Plans, established in 1985, is an association of licensed nonprofit
health plans. It includes Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, HealthPartners, Hennepin Health,
Medica, Sanford Health Plan and UCare.