Ib cov lus hais kom nco ntsoov uas yog tuaj ntawm koj tus kws kho mob: rov qab tuaj mus txhaj tshuaj kom puv

Ob xyoos dhau los lawm uas tus kab mob COVID-19 tau ncua txog phav zaus uas cov me nyuam tsis tau tuaj mus ntsib kws kho mob kom noj qab nyob zoo, nws yog qhov tseem ceeb uas yuav tau txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob kom puv       Download tau no blog […]

Soo celi, Caruurta ( si loo tallaalo)!

Maadaama oo COVID-19 mudo labo sano ah dib u dhigay kumanaan baadhitaankii- sannad laha ahaa ee caruurta,hadda waxaa la soo gaadhay wakhtigii ballamahii dhaafay loo samayn lahaa   Soo deji blog-kan    Ma xasuusataa wakhtigii COVID-19 ku, khasbay in la xiro iskuullaada, cunto yaraantu dhacday, la waayay waxyaabaha gacmaha lagu nadiifiyo iyo Warqadaha musqusha,isla markaana […]

Este es un Recordatorio de su proveedor de atención médica: vuelva para ponerse al día

Tres años después de que el COVID-19 pospusiera miles de visitas al médico  de niños sanos, es importante ponerse al día con las vacunas     Descarga este blog   ¿Recuerdas cuando el COVID-19 provocó los cierres de las escuelas, la escasez de alimentos, desinfectantes de manos, papel higiénico  y además canceló nuestros festejos navideños? […]

VIDEO: Minnesota’s Managed Care Organizations improving health with care coordination

Care coordination is a unique benefit which provides highly individualized, holistic care to support members’ health and wellbeing. For patients with complex and chronic conditions, care coordination enables personalized, responsive care to enhance the patient experience, reduce the cost of care, and improve the health of communities throughout Minnesota. Watch the video to learn more.

A reminder from your healthcare provider: come back to get caught up

Three years after COVID-19 postponed thousands of well-child visits, it’s important to catch up on immunizations* *Read or listen to this blog in other languages » In Somali (Af Soomaali) » In Hmong (Lus Hmoob) »  In Spanish (Español) Soo deji blog-kan              Download tau no blog       Descarga este […]

Working to solve racial disparities in Minnesota’s birth outcomes and experiences by keeping a spotlight on the issue

Working to solve racial disparities in Minnesota’s birth outcomes and experiences by keeping a spotlight on the issue No other developed nation has a higher maternal mortality rate than the U.S. and the rate today is higher than it was 25 years ago. A look behind these overall numbers shows even worse outcomes for Black […]